Coworkers Amused?
By the LEGO in your cubicle?

Mrs. Claus?
Still buy you LEGO?

Do You?
Buy LEGO for yourself?

Your Home?
Include a room dedicated to LEGO?
We are AFOLs - Adult Fans Of LEGO. We're the kids who - decades later - still play with LEGO. We own LEGO rooms. We own LEGO houses! Much time is spent on LEGO. Like the time it takes to read this paragraph. That's who we are. We keep reading. Because it's LEGO.
Join us. one of us... one of us... one of us... one of us... one of us...
BrickFair is run by fans, for fans. We are not affiliated with The LEGO Group; we just love their stuff. We are very grateful for TLG's support over the years.
Hey look, here's some FAQs.
Create an account and register to exhibit. And register anyone attending with you.
It's time to shine! Polish up your MOCs, and we'll see you at the show!
You'll receive occasional email updates about the event including personalized reminders for optimum LEGO fun preparedness.
We don't want you to miss a thing.
Emphasis is placed on games and activities encouraging LEGO playtime and social interaction.
By the LEGO in your cubicle?
Still buy you LEGO?
Buy LEGO for yourself?
Include a room dedicated to LEGO?