Fredericksburg, VA
Fredericksburg, VA
March 29 - 30, 2025

Full Weekend:
Registration: $125
(Pay by Thursday, Mar 13th
and save $30)


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Vendor Info


World Of Lights
Annual Theme
Vignette Swap


Give us your genuine LEGO-brand bricks and we'll turn them into food, clothing, education and shelter for needy children worldwide.

BrickFair supports the SladeChild Foundation, a Maryland-based charity that helps destitute children worldwide.  SladeChild is a 100% charity.  Every penny goes directly to the children.

Our volunteers will clean your LEGO bricks, sort them, and pretty them up.  At our charity auction or charity yard sale we'll get the best price for them!  All proceeds go to SladeChild.

Please contact us to donate your unwanted LEGO bricks and sets!

The SladeChild Foundation attends BrickFair Virginia each August.  See their booth near the stage, where they sell 30-pc baggies of LEGO to support their cause.

SladeChild is a registered 501(c)(3) publicly supported charity, EIN 93-0822726.  Researching before giving is always a good idea!  Please be aware that SladeChild does not appear on many "charity ranking" sites because SladeChild is so small, collecting and distributing less than $80,000 per year.  Most charity review websites include only those charities netting $1 million or more.

Our charity auction is open only to registered exhibitors.  This may sound counter-productive, but we assure you, nobody from the public will outbid us crazy AFOLs in a LEGO auction.