Chantilly, VA
Chantilly, VA
July 31 - Aug 4, 2024

Vendor Info


Virginia vendors (and family) are permitted to sell in Yard Sales only if table space allows. Tables are limited. If a family member wants to sell LEGO stuff, I recommend that vendor provide an "island table" in front of their booth during AFOL days.

I have non-vendor questions.

See the FAQ page.

How many tables may I buy?

The max is 5 tables per vendor.
Other events may have different limits.

What's the deadline to buy a vendor table?

The deadline is whenever tables sell out.
Historically tables sell out in under a minute, when they go on sale at midnight.

Can I get on a wait-list for a vendor table?

Yes.  Put yourself on the wait-list here.

Note: the wait-list closes automatically once the table-count (map drawn) is finalized, and there are 4+ names on the wait-list.

Is there anything I can do to increase my chances of getting a vendor table?

A few tables went on sale Friday, Mar 15th 2024.  There's 20 people already ahead of you; get on the wait-list now.

Is there anything else I can do to get a table?


Why did so few tables go on sale Mar 15th 2024?

70% of planned vendor tables are reserved for specific returning vendors.  If you are a returning vendor, The Math page explains your place in this list.

What's the cost for a vendor table?

Vendor tables are $500 each at this event.  Prices differ at other events.

This $500 is in addition to your registration fee.  Everyone must register and pay to attend.

Can I bribe someone to get a table?


Is my merchandise okay to sell at your event?

Products must be LEGO-related.  See the rules.

I'm a vendor, where do I setup?

Each vendor will select their tables in turn, primarily by size, largest to smallest.  You will be emailed a few weeks prior to the event.

My friend is a vendor already, I'm gonna buy one of his tables.

No you're not.  See the rules.  There is no circumventing the wait-list.  Everyone has the same fair chance to get tables.

Will I have access to electricity?


What color are the badges?

Badge colors change each year, and sometimes differ between events.  This event they look like this:

BrickFair VA 2024
Person Name
3rd Brick

Font color: Blue (#1e5aa8)
Badge color: Yellow (#fac80a)
Alt. color: Blue (#1e5aa8)

When am I required to be at my table?

You are free to come and go, be open or closed for business, any time you wish.  Less than half the vendors, typically, arrive on opening (private) day for sales to AFOLs and to participate in AFOL fun.  Many more vendors arrive and set up on Friday to prepare for weekend public business.

When can I move in and set up?

The (private) event begins Wednesday, Jul 31st.  The move-in rule for all vendor and MOC areas is: No LEGO on the table until 12:00 noon.  Vendors are welcome to arrive as early as 9:00am to load-in boxes.

Vendor Payment Deadline:

All vendor tables must be paid 30 days prior to the show.  After Monday, Jul 1st 2024 unpaid vendor tables are automatically forfeited to the wait-list.

Refund Policy:

Refund requests must be received prior to the event:

  • 30 days prior (7/1/2024) = Full refund
  • 21 days prior (7/10/2024) = 75% refund
  • 14 days prior (7/17/2024) = 50% refund
  • 10 days prior (7/21/2024) = 33% refund
  • 9 days or later = no refund

To request a refund contact us.  See also registration refund policy.